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Our Family

The main purpose of this page is to share pictures of family and recent happenings with other family members and friends who we are not able to see as often as we would like and share these thing directly.  Of course anyone is welcome to visit this page.  The first group of pictures are primarily of marriages of our children.  The first is of Lisa's graduation from high school and has all of the immediate family.  Shirley and my hair has gotten a lot more gray/white since then as you can see from other pictures.

We are very proud of our children.  Cindy is a very successful marketing director for a nationwide computer company.  Jim, her husband, has his own business.  Lisa was pursuing a career as an Occupational Therapist until she met Gary, a minister and pastor of two churches.  She is now a full time pastors wife and has presented us with our first grandchild.  Mark is rapidly becoming a very successful contractor and his wife Julie is a successful realtor and also is pursuing a modeling career.  I am a Respiratory Therapist and have directed many departments in Tennessee and Georgia over the past 40+ years.  Shirley is a Registered Nurse and works at a local psychiatric hospital.  Shirley's mother is also living with us and you will see her in two of the pictures below.   I cannot forget Little Bit, our miniature French Poodle and Mo Mo, our Siamese cat.  They are the only children we have left at home.  There is also a picture of Ginger, who have passed away.


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All of our family together at Lisa's high school graduation

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Lisa & Gary's Family

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Ginger was our original Puddle and was very special to us.  It was very difficult for us when we had to put her down back in 2002.

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Mo Mo was not a happy camper when Little Bit came along.  He had been king of the mountain and she quickly change that.

Little Bit has become our new baby.  She is full of life and a pleasure to have around (most of the time).

If you would like to know more about our family and what is going on in our lives, feel free to click on any of the choices below.  There are also several links to pages of interest in the "Real Audio Files" and "My Studio" listed below.

HOME Shirley's Page Jim & Cindy Gary & Lisa Michael Mark & Julie Jack & Isabelle Special Events Mission Trip




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