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This site is devoted to the promotion of the steel guitar and especially the pedal steel guitar and MIDI music.  I have been playing the steel guitar since I was 10 years old and consider, as do most pickers of the steel guitar, it to be the most enjoyable instrument in the world as well as one of the most complex instruments.  Both hands and both legs are in motion when playing it.  The important thing is that I enjoy it and gain a great deal of satisfaction for playing it.  I do not play professionally and have never played with a band other than once or twice with a friend of mine, Ed Post.  I have done a few shows for remuneration and one show with a Hawaiian group which I enjoyed immensely.

My introduction to the steel guitar was back in 1951 when my sister gave me her acoustic lap steel and some old Oahu sheet music.  She showed me some basic principles and I took it from there.  I would practice it several hours a day, especially in the summertime.  Later she gave me her electric lap steel and amp.  That was even better.  I still like to play an acoustic lap steel, but it really makes a difference when you gain the ability to sustain notes and control volume. Needless to say, most of the music I learned at first was Hawaiian and I am still grateful for that.  I love Hawaiian music and am very grateful to Jerry Byrd who was my idol as I grew up.  I use to go to a Polynesian club in Nashville, TN, when Jerry would appear there, and sit at his feet and drink it up (music that is).  Later I purchased a twin neck (6 strings each) steel on legs.  That was even better and gave me the opportunity to have two tunings easily available,  but I was not really happy until I got my first twin neck pedal steel.  From there on it was, next to my wife and family, the center of my life (my wife may reverse that order).  My first pedal steel is the one in the picture above.  It was a ShowBud.  I now have a later model Showbud (Super Pro) with much better action and it is black with gold rope trim.  Last year, 2003, I traded my ShowBud in on a new D-10 GFI Steel.  That is absolutely the best move I have ever made.  It is blue and very lite in construction.  It holds it's tune extremely well.  I probably will never buy another.  I also got an electronic dobro attachment for it which I have enjoyed immensely.

The next thing that has happened to me to bring even greater satisfaction to my music is the discovery of MIDI music.  Since I have never played consistently with a band, I had looked for many years for a source of backup material with the songs that I knew and wanted to play.  I tried buying backup audio tapes and that was helpful but very limited. Finally, about 15 years ago I connected up with an individual, Bobby Harris a fantastic keyboard player and fine musician in every since of the word, who introduced me to MIDI music.  (By the way MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Data Interface).  Bobby and  I have performed together may times doing mostly gospel gigs.  Now I have a virtual band in my computer that is never on strike, never sick and never has a headache, and is always ready to play.  All I have to do is click on the song I want to play.  I now have over a thousand MIDI files in my collection, most of which are Country Music.  I also have Gospel, 50s, Traditional, Hawaiian (very hard to find.  I create most of mine and they will be on this site for download), Jazz, etc.  Most of them have been downloaded from various sites.  Some are listed at the bottom of this page and on the "My Midi page".   Some I have purchased from which is a commercial MIDI company and produces very high quality sequences. If I can't find the files I want or the arrangement I want, I have software such as Power Tracks Pro and Band-In-A-Box available from PG Music, Inc. to sequence the song.  Please see my "MIDI Files Section" below for more on BIAB and Power Tracks Pro.

The last few years have seen a lot of very good CD tracks become available from some of the big name Steel Guitar players, i.e., Bobbe Seymore, Herby Wallace, and John Hughey, to name a few.  These players have made some of the backup tracks from their albums available without the steel guitar.  Many of them also have tablature available as well.  Click on the MIDI Elevator button above to visit my MIDI File Page

Any songs that appear on this site for download are either my own personal sequences or sequences that I have obtained permission of the sequencer to have them available for download on my site.

As mentioned above, I have the capability to create sequences with the software I have in the computer.  To fully appreciate this, and to give others of you out there who do not read music additional hope, you need to realize that I cannot read music.  Everything I do is by ear and with the help of software, primarily Band-in-a-Box.  Using BIAB I can lay down the chord progression for the song I want to sequence.  Then, I choose a style for the timing and type of rhythm I want.  Next, I add a few bars for introduction and ending and decide how many verses I want.  Lastly, I may play a turn around or an entire verse on my MIDI keyboard.  For this, I can choose a playing style such as: Chet Atkins, Floyd Cramer, three or four part harmony, etc. (the possibilities are almost endless).  I then play the verse using one finger on the keyboard (I am not a keyboardist).  BIAB adds all the harmony and special styles of the style I have chosen.  It is fantastic.  The song "Columbus Stockade Blues" which is playing in the background was created in BIAB.  The bass and rhythm guitar style are definitely that of Chet Atkins. You will not get the best sound unless you have a good MIDI player such as the Roland Virtual Sound Canvas mentioned above or a stand alone MIDI player.

For performances, I use a cataloging and jukebox type program called The Song Librarian.  This program was created by Denis Ladouceur  and is the best thing out there for setting up a database of all your MIDI files by category or style and then be able to choose and play the files at will or in a preset order.  There is much more to the program than mentioned here.  I would recommend, if you think you need something like this, that you visit this site.

I have placed several of my MIDI file / Steel Guitar recordings on my web site for your listening pleasure.  Originally I put these on as mp3 files, but due to their size, I have changed that to Real Audio files.  Click on the Real Audio File Button on the elevator above to visit my Real Audio page.

That about covers my entry into steel guitar playing and MIDI music.  It has been extremely rewarding for me and I hope that all of this will be of help to others out there, like me, who love music in general and steel guitar in particular.  I will be updating this site with more MIDI and Real Audio files as well as more information and links, so please visit often.  If you would like to add my site as a link on yours or visa versa please email me or if you just want to drop me a line please do so by clicking the mail box below.

If you are interested in learning more about my setup and how I develop MIDI and Real Audio files please visit the other pages on my site and especially THE STUDIO where I have pictures and descriptions of my equipment.  Click the "My Studio" button on the elevator above to visit to my studio.

I have just recently added another page to my website.  I call it "Our Family" page and it's primary purpose is to display on my web site the special things that are happening in our family.  It is primarily for family and friends, but please feel free to visit if you wish.  We would love to here from you and learn what you think of this particular page.  Click on the "Our Family" button above to visit our family pages.

Thanks Again for visiting my Web Site. Please return often as I will be updating this site quite consistently. Please email me any suggestions, compliments, constructive criticism, or just chit chat.

John Nickless

Some of my favorite links are:

Bobbe Seymore - Steel Guitar Nashville - This site is great for steel guitar sales and repair. Bobbe is, in my humble opinion, one of the best steel pickers on the planet.

The Midi Studio Consortium (Don Carroll) - For Country, Pop, and old standards, this is absolutely the best MIDI site on the net. Don Carroll and the other sequencers on this site are the absolute best.

Tom Bradshaw, Steel Guitar Products On-line - A great site for steel guitar supplies and special gear.



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