Welcome to my Guestbook!
This G/B was initialized on 7/10/99 and closed on 11/27/99.

Doug Harmon - 11/27/99 18:29:04
My Email:mharmon@xtalwind.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: Yes
What surnames are you researching?: Harmon/Castle
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: Yes
This is a great site!! I lived in the town of Berwind, Wv 7 miles south of War, from 1944 to 1955, and I am in the process of collecting articles, pictures of both Berwind and War. I knew a family who lived in Berwind named Day. My fried was named Jack. His sister was Zora (Day) Parsons wife of Paul Parsons. Jack and Zora's mother lived with Paul & Zora at that time. Thought they might be related, since you mention the name Day in you genealogy. I too used to eat at the "Hole-in-the-wall. My memories are of the unusal hamburgers. They were flat, about 1-1/2" wide and the length of a hotdog. They included the same mustard, onion & chilli as the hot dog. It is now near forty five years since I had my last one, but I can still remember that great taste. I have never seen one made the same and have never eat any hamburger or hotdog so go. Thanks for the great site. Doug Harmon

pam graham nee` cochrane - 11/21/99 11:23:02
My Email:grahamnz@ihug.co.nz
Are you conducting a family tree search?: sort of
What surnames are you researching?: graham cochrane hamilton
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: no
Just browsing and found the graham house. very interesting indeed. my husband and i are both n.ireland born.The phrase scotch irish is very puzzling as scotch is a drink. the proper wording is scottish, or scots and never coupled with irish. no.never. but great work well done/

Phyllis Phillips - 11/08/99 14:08:34
My Email:philly@naxs.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: Yes
What surnames are you researching?: Mullins & Helton
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: Yes
I love the pictures you have put on your site. My mother was born 1922 in Warrior Holler, and lived there for 13 years before moving to Buchanan Co, Va. Does your dad know of any Helton's from there? Thanks Phyllis I was born Buchanan Co, Va, but grew up in Jolo, WV.

Linda H Johnston - 10/25/99 03:45:23
My Email:poollinda@webtv.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: yes
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: yes
I have Tazewell Co marriage records that show 5 Mar 1857 - Marlemus Graham 26 born Montgomery Co son of Samuel & Mary Graham + Mary F Nunnelly 21 born Lowinburg Co daug of Allen & Mary. Also, 3 June 1857 - George W Nunnelly 22 born Luwenberg Co son of Al en & Mary + Sarah Ann Nuckles 15 born Mercer Co daug of Elijah & Mary Nuckles. Hope this is helpful. Linda

Fonnie H. Klein - 10/18/99 15:31:35
My Email:rklein@hrfn.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: yes
What surnames are you researching?: Holder,Higgins,Alderman,Delp,
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: yes--grew up in Caretta
Was pleasantly surprised to find your homepage while looking up Genealogy in WV. Your site is wonderful. Loved looking at the pictures. Thank you for your hard work putting this page together and allowing us to share our thoughts with you. :-)

- 10/10/99 05:44:34

Linda Bennett - 10/09/99 02:09:55
My Email:bennettlk@aol.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: yes
What surnames are you researching?: Calfee, Kitts, Jamotton
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: no
Your website is just wonderful; I'm enjoying it very much.

James Ray Stanley - 10/03/99 19:34:39
My Email:wonderboyjames@juno.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: no
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: yes

Doug Riffe - 09/17/99 12:50:40
My Email:friffe1@midsouth.rr.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: no
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: yes
I grew up in Coalwood and went to Big Creek H S in 1956. Many great times and still home even if I am many miles away!

Dolores Riggs Davis - 09/13/99 15:24:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/4478/
My Email:riggs@oh.verio.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: yes
What surnames are you researching?: Riggs
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: yes
I absolutely love your webpage. I felt the desperation and hard times when I read the stories. Your pictures are wonderful. I am from Dehue in Logan County, WV. However, we lived in McDowell County from about 1940 to 1945. I started school in the first gr de at Kimball, and my brother was born at the Steven Clinic Hospital in 1944. It was great to see a picture of the hospital. I would like to link your page to mine. I will send you a personal e-mail. Dolores

Theresa Phipps - 09/12/99 19:29:18
My Email:tjsyro@yahoo.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: yes
What surnames are you researching?: Bailey...grandfather
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: not sure, i don't think so
You have a very nice site, keep up the good work! I'm just beginning my journey to find my families history. Thanks, Theresa

Reva Hayes Steele - 09/07/99 03:12:46
My Email:pucci@netscope.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: Yes
What surnames are you researching?: Vance, White, McCoy, Hayes (Hays)
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: Yes, graduated at Big Creek High
Related to Higgins (think it's same as those referenced in stories (Pink)) -- look forward to further searches

Robin Starling - 09/07/99 00:48:38
My Email:nburton11@excite.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: yes
What surnames are you researching?: Tom Paul Starling
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: yes
West Virginias most southern city

LFrye - 08/27/99 11:53:50
My Email:89564@aol.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: Yes
What surnames are you researching?: Moye
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: Not sure
I was born and raised near Princeton, West Virginia. I was a Moye from the Camp Creek Moyes. I have been trying to reseach the roots of John David Moye. He was my grandfather. This was also my great-grandfathers name. Any info appreciated.

Eloise (Baisden)White - 08/11/99 05:11:30
My Email:ebwhite@access.mountain.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: yes
What surnames are you researching?: Gilman,Baisden,Farley,White, Pinson
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: no

Lou - 08/07/99 19:44:55
My Email:Lousdolls@AOL.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: yes
What surnames are you researching?: Hedrick & Gibson
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: No
I have relatives in the Pocahontas/Greenbrier counties. I love W VA and think it's a beautiful state. Think I'll be there next summer to do some searching in Fayette county. Your site is great. I have been to several other towns in W VA.

Anita Hicks - 07/31/99 00:20:03
My Email:ajspanky@ctcn.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: Yes
What surnames are you researching?: Hicks, Bolen, Coburn
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: Yes
Enjoyed your website. I grew up in Caretta. Moved to Ohio in 1952. I attended Caretta Elementary, too. I also went to school at Newhall. My dad and his kin were all coal miners in Caretta. It sure was a trip down memory lane to see War again. I'm not sure about the Big Creek photos. I always just thought that was the name of the mountain. My aunt josephine Hicks Osborne is still alive and I will ask her if Big Creek runs through War. My grandfather Moses Hicks is buried in the Caretta Cemetary. Anna Sue Ca h

Loretta Woody Collins - 07/30/99 13:06:13
Are you conducting a family tree search?: Yes
What surnames are you researching?: Woody,Underwood,Brewster,Hicks,White
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: Ya Betcha
I was born on Mtn Fork, head of Big Creek, raised at Bradshaw,But War has a special place in my heart too, McDowell Co will always be my home, although I have lived in Indiana, over 42 yrs. I still come back to War & Bradshaw a couple times a yr. I injoy all the pictures, some day I will add mine.

SAS (Hills and Creek CL) - 07/27/99 19:12:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/5514
My Email:sas@huntel.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: No
What surnames are you researching?: None
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: No
Welcome to the GeoCities/Heartland CL Program. I hope you enjoy joining us.

Jack Whitt - 07/24/99 16:05:00
My Email:jckwhitt@aol.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: no
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: YES
I love these pictures, they sure bring back some good memories. I was born in War, and live for the next 19yrs in Caretta.

Paul A. Roth - 07/23/99 21:34:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/3792
My Email:Genzen1@webtv.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: Yes
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: No
Hi Benita, You've got a good start! I don't use any Gen-software so I can't help you there. However I do have three or four files filled with search sites, if you need places to search. Rootsweb.com has been VERY helpful with their mailing lists and query boards. I m the host of Rootsweb's GenConnect GRIEST and ROTH boards and the GRIEST mailing list. I've received at least five "hits" (surname "goldmines") since March '99. They have searchable archives and MANY other helpful utilities. Good luck with your search, P ul

Gene Honaker - 07/22/99 02:41:53
My Email:ghonaker@prodigy.net
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: Lived There
Great site. I lived in War and went to War Grade School and the 7th Grade at War Jr. High. We moved to Amonate and I went to Berwind Jr High and then to Big Creek '51-54. My Dad (JE Honaker) was a policeman in McDowell County for about 20 years.

Jane mcPhilomy - 07/17/99 00:36:47
My Email:cjmcph@bellsouth.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: yes
What surnames are you researching?: Pennington/Pope/Jeffries
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: born there

Peggy Schoneweis - 07/16/99 19:48:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/hollow/3849
My Email:annep@netscope.net
Are you conducting a family tree search?: On my husbands side
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: Yes
This is Peggy Cyphers Schoneweis adopted daughter of A.C Cyphers ( Augustus Clarence and Pearl Spence Cyphers. Bother of John. John had the barbershop in English and A.C. was a Deputy Tax Assessor. I would love to recieve E-Mail and also have often wonder d where the Cyphers ancestors were from

Janet Burgess - 07/14/99 13:33:49
My Email:JanetM.Burgess@mail.state.ky.us
Are you conducting a family tree search?: No
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: Was born in Keystone, WV
I moved to the state of Virginia where my father had bought a farm and after his death moved to Kentucky in 1973. I have a sister in Bluefield, WV. I have an aunt and uncle that lived at Coalwood, WV, Alvie and Pearl Bise. Thank you for letting me sign your guest book.

Debi - 07/13/99 19:17:59
My Email:debihula@aol.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: yes.
What surnames are you researching?: Day, Cole, Farris, Keene, Holland, Smallwood
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: yes, my mother was raised there.
Wonderful page! I love the photos....my cousin Johnny Jackson and I, are anxiously awaiting the photo of Daniel Day. He is the brother of our great great grandmother, Christina.

Freddie Christian - 07/12/99 15:05:25
My Email:fred99@jeffersonenergy.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: no
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: yes

Kay Barnette Reaser - 07/11/99 17:46:02
My Email:kbejreaser@mindspring.com
Are you conducting a family tree search?: No
Have you ever been to War, West Virginia?: Yes
I am a "native" of Bartley, graduated from BCHS in 1956...loved looking at the pix...brought back many nostalgic memories...

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