Autumn's Baby Name Site!

Thank you for visiting my site!

My name is Autumn Delaney O’Connor and I am here to help you make
the most important decision of your life - what to name your baby.

I have visited many sites with baby names and I have noticed that my name
suggestions have been greatly appreciated. I hope that they will help you too.

This site has been updated and now contains more names, origins and meanings
as well as other interesting things to look at when you are expecting a baby -
a baby gender predictor and a "teststory" to see if the name you have chosen is
the right one.

Have fun in your search for the perfect baby name!

Why are names so important?

I believe that names are very important. Every name send out a special “vibe” that
allows us to form a first impression of the owner of the name. This happens subconsciously.

All names suggest the character of the person having the name. So choose carefully!

Also be aware of the difficulties pronouncing a name that ends with the same letter
as the surname starts with! So think twice before choosing your newborns' name!

Check out the name lists!

On this site you can find the names that I like and that I think have nice associations.

I have lists of girls’ names and boys’ names, as well as full names (first and middle
name)- full names for girls and full names for boys.

You can also find lists of good name combinations for twins as well as lists of English names and Irish names.

And do not forget to check out the Gender Predictor, the Poem that I have written or
the Links that I have added that will lead you straight to other interesting baby name sites!

Are you sure that the name you have chosen is the perfect name? If not, test it in my Test Story, and you will know!

And please, sign my guestbook!!!


Please, feel free to mail me at:
I will do anything I can to help you!

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I recently recieved this award from my community leader,
Joey Dragon, and, of course, I was very happy to recieve it!


Today, 07.09.99, I recieved these two awards from Joey Dragon, my community
leader, as well and I am really very happy to have gotten them! Thank you Joey!

This is a photo of Green Court and the cathedral in Canterbury, England.