Little Tiger's Picture Book - Pictures of the cutest baby on the web, and online diary of his development That sunny afternoon, I came with a spray of sunshine.
Ever since then, my life has been happy, exciting, and wonderful.
Mom said that I'm the cutiest baby on the web. What about you?

Little Tiger's Picture Book

Photo Album
Please click on my picture to open my

Photo Album!

My photo album is updated on December 27, 2001.

Mom's CornerMom's Corner

Read Previous Mom's Online Diary
Visit Mom's Shelf

Dad's CornerDad's Corner

Hi, Ya! I'm Fan. I love to watch NBA with little Tiger. He likes it so much! I think he may grow up to become an NBA player. Then he'll make big money and I'm thinking about signing a contract with him to get 20% of that. Hah Hah Hah!
Here's a new thought. Tiger's been dropping in height percentile. He might not be able to play a center. We'll let him play as a guard.
My latest thought. Tiger might not make the NBA. But he can still play soccer!

Visitor's Corner

Mom has lost my guest book! So she made me a new one. Please come in and drop me a line! Or you can look at my new guest book.

While you are here, do you like to look at the photo album of Tiger's friends? If you like to be included in my photo album, ask your mom to email one of your best pictures to my mom, and she'll put it on!

Here's another place you can go. My mom also designed a webpage for Feburary 1999 babies.

This page is created by my mom on May 12, 1999. It has been viewed by loving people like you since then.

Here are the awards that I received and the webrings that I joined.