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in the meanwhile you may follow these links:
We called our first car ever ''DELAY'', it's a Volkswagen Transporter Kombi and we just love it!
I am busy making a new set of system sounds, with the voice of Joël. In the past there were some of the sounds here, but they were too big to enjoy them. Now here is the first one with a smaller size: Joël Nieuwe E-Mail. I hope you understand Dutch. He is saying: "You have new E-mail, you should read this", but then in Dutch: "Je hebt een nieuwe E-mail, die moet je lezen". I hope to add more sounds in the near future. If the quality is poor, please be aware that this is still a test version :-(. With Realplayer after downloading it sounds bad, but if you use Windows to play the sound.... Try it, for your "New Mail Notification".
with regards
Last modified on December 20th 2002