Abundant Life Assembly
135 New Meadow Road
No. Swansea, Ma 02777
(508) 379-0780

Schedule of Services

Calendar of Events

Family Night Activities

Christan Education

Small Groups

Children's Ministries

Youth Ministry

Music Ministry

Prayer Requests

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Welcome to Abundant Life

Our Beliefs...
The purpose of our being is to glorify God through worship and fellowship, to preach the uncompromised Word of God, and to serve Him through evangelism and discipleship.

Our tenets of faith are (1) salvation through Jesus Christ, (2) divine healing for the sick,
(3) the second coming of Christ, and (4) baptism in the Holy Spirit for empowering believers.

We believe that a great commitment to the Great Commisssion will grow a great church (Mt. 28:19,20). Abundant Life is a church with a heart for people. Jesus was. Can we do less?
Do you know for certain that if you were to die today you would have eternal life in heaven?
The Church with a Heart for People
Abundant Life Assembly of God
Abundant Life is an Evangelical, Pentecostal, Bible believing church - one where the fullness of the Holy Spirit is welcomed, encouraged, and taught. We believe that the Bible is the standard rule of faith for all Christians and is God's message for mankind. We believe it's inspired words are timeless, providing a guide for all cultures and generations. We believe the Bibleis infallible and is the only true, holy standard for measuring faith and conduct.

Worship plays a major role in our services. Freedom in worship is encouraged as a gesture of faith. Styles of worship and praise may vary from silent praise and prayer with no outward emotion to weeping openly before the Lord, communicating adoration and love. Regardless of style, genuine, sincere worship is welcomed.

Our church observes two ordinances - Holy Communion and Water Baptism. These are practices Christ himself taught his disciples.