Kelantan In View
Kelantan has population of about 1.4 million: 95% is Malay with Chinese, Indians, Thais and Orang Asli making up the rest.
Economy Kelantan's economy is chiefly agrarian with land yielding padi, rubber and tobacco. Fishing is also an important economic activity. Cottage industries which employ traditional skills such as batik-painting, woodcraving and songket weaving are also evident.
Places of Interest
Kelantan golf and country club.
Sunrise at Stong, a hill resort.
Cultures and Craft
Daily flights are available from Kuala Lumpur and Penang.
By Taxi
Taxi services are available from various major cities within Malaysia.
By Rail
Visitors are advise to use Wakaf Bharu Station. The express train departs
daily to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Please contact the nearest train station
for details.
By Bus
Air conditioned bus services are from Kota Bharu to various major towns within
Malaysia and up to Singapore at reasonable rates.
Hotels There are many hotels in Kota Bharu. Crystal lodge is located right in the heart of Kota Bharu. It is a stone throwaway from supermarkets, shops and restaurant. For more information, please contact (09) 7470888 or email :