The Embrace

The Eternal Harvester shall fly soon
To take away my soul,
My body I care for so little now,
My heart as dark as coal.

I welcome now the nameless one,
With my arms stretched open wide,
My soul has been stripped bare by her,
From death I no longer hide.

As the blade slides across my wrist,
And the deep red liquid flows,
I think of the smile that I once had,
The wind through the window blows.

A tear falls to the floor,
I realise that it's not mine,
My eyes were dry long ago,
No longer do they shine.

The tears of pain are from my queen,
My heart doth lose its stand,
Her quiet weeping weakens me,
The blade falls from my hand.

She kneels beside my shaken form,
My head against her breast,
She strokes my hair and sings to me,
I hear no heart in her chest.

The crimson bloom stains her dress,
I feel weak, too weak to stand,
Her angelic voice hides the beast,
That wants to take my hand.

Her eyes flash a feral red,
Her fangs emerge, so near
All the while she sings so sweetly
Whispering words into my ear.

Her head bends down,
She licks eagerly at my life
My blood stains red her lips
I reach weakly for the knife.

She looks upon me with love in her eyes
As the blade runs along her wrist,
I feel the hunger for her life
I raise it to my lips.

My strength returns
My wounds do heal
As my mortality fades away
No remorse do I feel.

~Jarrod Sewell~