The family tree represented here covers Delaware,Maryland, Virginia, and much of New England and as of this time there are over 100 surmans and 5000 individuals. The Delmarva branch includes the surnames Raughley, Harrington,and Slaughter. The New England branch includes the surnames Cotton, Mather, Leete, and Chipman.
We used two genealogy programs to create this tree. The actual tree itself is done using Family Origins by ParsonsTech. A lot of the information, though, has come from FamilyTree Maker by Broderbund.
This page, like so many others, is always being updated. As we find new info, we will add it.
In looking through the surnames list, hopefully you will find something to help you. If you want more information, find an error or if you have info that we don't, please e-mail us (famhist66@aol.com).
Note:Sources for Raugley family were mostly the Delaware State Archives, Dover, DE and microfilm at the LDS Library Camden, DE.
Sources for the Cotton family were Ancestral File by the LDS Church, Family Tree Maker by Broderbund, books at the DAR Library in Washington, D.C., and information sent by my mother.
Table of Contents
Ancestor Home Page
Surname List
Index of Names
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Created May 20,1999 with Famliy Origins 5.0from Parsons Technology
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