Oldies ... But Goldies
When I'm Sixty-Four |
Tutti Frutti Adam Giselle.Apotheose |
ELO. So Serious |
Board GAMES * FreeWare * ShareWare
Letters & Words (68 K) |
Bomb Squad (58 K) |
Checkers (52 K) |
Noughts & Crosses (30 K) |
Chess (45 K) |
Backgammon (45 K) |
Reversi ( 8 K) |
Deep Pockets (82 K) |
Gobang ( 25 K) |
WallPaper Clock (53 K) |
Units Converter (8 K) |
TEST YOUR IQ ( 18 K) |
Change the date of files (33 K) |
English Tutor ( 338 K) |
Secret Code for Old Game ( 10x - 36y + 155z ) 0 . . 2 . . 8 . . 18 . . x . . log ( y + 1 ) - log y = 1 GIRL - BOY = POOR , if GIRL = 20 , then BOY = z Before you try to win: Click Here to download the Old Game > rename to oldgame.exe > run > type the secret code ( 10x - 36y + 155z ) > play the game |
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