Ranch Acres Girls Scouts
of Broward County Florida
Ode to a Girl Scout Leader
Author Unknow
Revisions by Cheryl LaPalme
Troop Leader for Troop 101
(tune:  "The Battle Hymn of the Republic")

I was glad to have a girl
My first child was a son
I thought of all the ruffles
All the frilly bows and fun
I thought of how we'd sit and talk
At night when day was done
Wasn't I the foolish one?

She was only half past seven
When they called me to the fore
I said, "Oh no, I'm not equipped"
They said, "Oh yes, and what's more
We will train you in the basics
And outfit you for the corp"
And they shoved me out the door.

Glory, Glory, I'm a leader
How'd I get to be a leader?
All I did was have a daughter
Is this the price I pay?

They taught me to be thrifty
To be thoughtful, to be true
They taught me how to string beads
Like the nobel Indians do
I had to learn to dig a trench
And how to use it to
And you should taste our stew.

I had to learn to sing songs that
I didn't understand
I learned to dance the polka
And to make a rhythm band
To think of what to do and to
Forget what I had planned
They say that scouting's grand.

Glory, Glory I'm a leader
Me, they had to make a leader
I can't even build a fire
Let alone put up a tent.

We went walking in the woodland
Just my Girl Scout troop and me
The handbook says that nature
Has a wealth of sights to see
It's true that we were sights
When we were found eventually
And I do this all for free.

I'm not meant to be a leader
I don't know which bird is which
My weiner forks all burn up
We come home from hikes and itch.
The sit-upons all fell apart
I showed them the wrong stitch
But no one wants to switch.

Glory, Glory, I'm a leader
Someone's got to be the leader
Tell me why I should be happy
When no one envies me.

But even though I grumble
And I mumble and I shout
And some days I sit and wonder
What's the best way to get out
I guess when all is said and done
There isn't any doubt

So if you see me packing
For those weekend overnights
With a lot of happy scouts
Agathering tents and pots and lights
We'll be back home when it's over
Dirty, tired and covered with bites
But we've seen nature's sights.

Glory, Glory, I'm a leader
Hallelujah, I'm a leader
I wouldn't trade this life for another
Thank God I had a girl.
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