Welcome to my



Come in and sit a spell

Hi. My name is Louisa. I live in Western New York. I have 3 lovely daughters who have given me 2 wonderful grandaughters and there are 2 more grandbabies on the way . I am very much looking forward to the new ones this fall.

I normally spend most of my time on icq with my crafting friends I met in Aleenes craft chat. I have alot of friends in icq, way to many to mention them all but I have to mention some of them anyway. One of the best friends i have made is JA. She is from Canada and I have a page dedicated to her, her wonderful hubby and her excellent work. I hope to be able to show the work of some of my other friends and pics of them with their families. Such as Ladysmom, Ruth, Krftylady, Twigs Ynmaeven etc.etc. there are way to many to mention them all but you all know who you are. I am very blessed to have so many wonderful friends who are there for me and I hope that in some way I have been a blessing to them.
I have been fortunate to meet a few of my chat friends already. Last fall I had to make a quick trip to Florida and on the way down i met Krftyldy and J-bug. those pics will be shown with their permission. There are others i hope to met sometime this year. One is Nat who is from South America and the other is JA. I am very much looking forward to their visits to my area later this year.
My crafting interests include knitting, crocheting, x-stitch, plastic canvas and just about anything that peaks my interest. I also love my houseplants. Last year i painted some plant pots and now have them hanging throughout my trailer.
I am very new to this idea of having a web page and expect it will always be under construction so please bear with me through some of the touchy times .
Enjoy your stay with my family and friends and please let me know what you think of my efforts. Have a nice day.


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