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Rick and I both love to travel.  It is my desire to visit every state in the USA, and I've seen quite a few.  I would also like to return to Bermuda where I lived for three years as a girl (zillions of years ago).  My plan for this page is to share some of my travels with you.
States I've Been To And What I Saw
ARIZONA - I've been through Arizona several times.  I loved the city of Flagstaff, especially in late summer when all the wildflowers were blooming (1978). 
ARKANSAS - My husband's parents were both born and raised in Arkansas.  He still has family there, and since we married in 1982 we have been back 4-5 times.  My favorite place is at his Aunt Irma's house in Clinton.  Mostly because I adore Aunt Irma.  The Ozarks are beautiful as well.
CALIFORNIA - I have lived in California since 1962.  I've traveled from one end to the other, up the coast and down, and still find something new.  We have mountains and deserts and valleys and lakes and rivers and beaches.  While we have large, congested cities, we also have wide open spaces. 
COLORADO - My parents were both born and raised in Colorado, and we still have family there.  Mesa Verde is a wonderful place of historical value and interest.  I don't much care for driving over Wolf Creek Pass because I'm afraid of heights, but it too is beautiful.
CONNECTICUT - I've been to Connecticut twice, when my cousin, Sharon, was still living there.  I didn't see much of the state, only from Hartford to Danbury, but I enjoyed the New England atmosphere.
FLORIDA - Our first visit to Florida was this summer (2000).  We went to Orlando, Ft Walton Beach, and the Kennedy Space Center.  It was very humid, especially coming from the high desert. 
IDAHO - I've only been through Idaho and haven't seen as much as I'd like.
ILLINOIS - I can't even count Illinois, because I've only been to the airport in Chicago.  I want to visit Will County because I had ancestors living there and I need to feel their presence!
KANSAS - I'd always heard that Kansas was nothing more than miles and miles of nothing.  I didn't see it that way.  I was in awe of the feeling of forever green. 
KENTUCKY - Last summer we went through the SW corner of Kentucky.  We did get an opportunity to visit the Jefferson Davis memorial, and saw lots of tobacco growing. 
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