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Scrapin' With Michelle

You are visitor number Countersince September 1999
I am currently working on some major updating of my webpage. I will be adding some of my more recent Layouts and Paper Pieces and deleting many of the older ones.

While here please take a moment to sign my guest book.

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Hi, My name is Michelle and and this is my space. Here is where I will be putting some of my scrapbook pages for my family, friends and other scrap bookers. Also I will include sections on Ideas, Tips and Links for Scrap booking. Come back often, this page will change, as my own scrap book changes and as I find time to create and upload new pages. Feel free to look around and use some of my ideas. Let me know what you think. Also if you have ideas, tips or layouts that you would like to share with others, email me and I will try to put them here as time and space permit.

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tinybh4.gif - 1019 Bytes My Scrap Book Pages Other Layouts tinybh5.gif - 1016 Bytes
tinybh1.gif - 975 Bytes Tips and Ideas My Favorite Linkstinybh2.gif - 975 Bytes
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This site was designed by Michelle Morley
Most of my graphics used here are from
"A Touch of Country"
"HOBO's Country Graphics"
"Original Country Clipart by Lisa"