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The Nature and Causation of Language Impairments in Children, funded by the Wellcome Trust: Principal investigator: Dorothy V.M. Bishop.

here for a  detailed description of this research. Included is mention of pragmatic impairments.
Nicola Botting's Web Site - click here to see what she is working on.
Dr. K Nation's research interests center on how children's spoken language skills shape the development of written language in both normal and disordered development.
Dr. M. R. Perkins of the University of Sheffield is researching multiple causes of pragmatic impairment.
Future Articles
Pragmatic Language Impairment: a correlate of SLI, a distinct subgroup, or part of the autistic continuum
Pragmatic Language Impairment without Autism: The children in Question, written by Nicola Botting and Gina Conti-Ramsden. This will be published in Autism.
Conversational Responsiveness in Specific Language Impairment: Evidence of Disproportionate Pragmatic Difficulties in a Subset of Children, written by D.V.M. Bishop, J. Chan, C. Adams, J. Hartley, & F. Weir. This will be published in Development and Psychology, Issue 2, 2000.
here to read the abstract.
Please contact me with  information on research and papers not listed here.
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