This section contains material written by the parents of our special children. There is comfort in hearing real life stories from parents who have been where you are. I hope we will have more to read soon! Use the "back" button on your browser to return to this page.
If anyone is interested in writing something for this page, please submit it to me at I will review and respond ASAP. Teachers are also welcome to write. 
SPD Language Skills
Back to SPD Homepage
My Child
Back to SPD Homepage
Strategies and Suggestions for Dealing With SPD
Fine Motor Tasks: Writing, Drawing, and Coloring
Don't React: Make a Plan
Forming Letters in Writing
Behavioral Strategies for School and Home
Single-Minded Thoughts of the SPD Child
Melatonin: Relief At Last!
Social Story Examples written for Tony
Speech Goals -  Examples
Language Building Activities
SPD: A Parent's Perspective
Schema Organization in Long Term Memory
I Want My Life Back
Notes on Life with My Son
Talking to Friends and Relatives about SPD
Amie's Story: A Heartrending Tale
Veteran of Coat Wars
A Different Path - a poem
Poems written for Tony
Starting the School Year on the Right Foot
Pragmatic Language Skills: Is Perspective-Taking The Only Problem?
Intervention / Thoughts / My Child
Semantic Pragmatic Disorder: Classroom Tips