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Although all are not specifically written for SPD children, the following articles talk about some of the same issues. I have found them to be very helpful in understanding my son.
Language / Classroom / Social Skills / Occupational Therapy / Disability Awareness / Miscellaneous
Pragmatic Language Skills: Is Perspective-Taking The Only Problem?
Language Building Activities and Games
Building on Language Skills
School Age Grps for children with Semantic Pragmatic Difficulties
Semantic-Pragmatic Language Disorder: A Description with Some Practical Suggestions for Teachers
Group Intervention For Language Disorders
Stuck for words? - Word Retreival Activities
Pragmatic Language Tips
Language Pragmatics and NLD
Speech Teach UK
Receptive & Expressive Oral Language Strategies
Language Games and Activities
Ideas for Helping Language Development
Pragmatic Language Development
Language Ages and Stages
Speech Therapy Ideas
Speech Therapy Ideas & Activities
Enhancing Literacy Through the Techniques of Storytelling
Hints, Tips and Other Stuff - by parents and therapists
Spatial Concepts
Let's Make Small Talk
Fast ForWord
Greenspan's Floor Time Model
Speech Bubbles Program
Auditory Processing Descriptive Teaching Group
Books for Children from Asperger's Express
Starting the School Year on the Right Foot
Semantic Pragmatic Disorder: Classroom Tips
SPD: Helping * -  Advice To Carers
Working With Pupils With Semantic Pragmatic Disorder
Supporting Pupils With Special Needs
Tips for Teaching High-Functioning People with Autism
When in doubt, Write it out!
All Kinds of Minds - a web site with loads of good info on everything from writing to social learning. This link will take you directly to their Learning Base information.
Picture Rehearsals
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Accomodations & Modifications for Students with Handwriting Problems &/or Dysgraphia
Voice Recognition - Getting Specific
General Accomodations/Modifications
Curriculum Accomodations/Modifications
Study Aids for Visual Learners
Modifying The Elementary School Curriculum For Students Of Special Needs: A List Of Ideas
Building Meaningful Student Connections
Explicit Teacher Modeling
Scaffold Instruction
Reading Comprehension by Resource Room
Six Essential Reading Strategies
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Helping Kids with Learning Differences Understand the Language of Friendship
Promoting Social Skills Among Students With Nonverbal
Learning Disabilities
A Model for Social Skills Instruction
Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)
Books for Children from Asperger's Express
Social Stories
Social Stories - examples
Sumlin Social Stories
SODAS Social Skills Web Quest
Social Stories - by M. Gardner
Social Stories for the Holidays
Social Stories for Emergency Situations
Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends: Invite Them
Circle of Friends from O.A.S.I.S.
Social Skills: Survival Skills for Life
Young Children's Social Development: A Checklist
Classwide Social Skills Program
Occupational Therapy
Suggestions for Parents
Helpful Handwriting Tips
OT Information for Parents
OT4kids - Profiles
OT Goals and Objectives
Activities to Develop Fine Motor/Handwriting Skills
Sensory Integration Checklist
Proprioceptive Activities for the Classroom
Fine Motor Activities - from Child Care Friends
Identifying Handwriting Problems
Disability Awareness
Disability Awareness Activities
Trading Places:What does Disability Really Mean?-Gr. 6-8 lesson plan
Getting to Know Your Classmates with Special Needs
Dealing with Differences - Gr. 1-2 lesson plan
Easing the Teasing Strategies
All For One - Anti Bullying Website
Street Safety - songs, activites and animations
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