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Behavior Articles - Leslie Packer, PhD
** I love her writings! The best!
Rage Attacks - Proactive Strategies  - Leslie Packer, PhD
*While I don't believe rage attacks happen to SPD children, they can have anxiety issues which can be helped by these suggestions
Neurobehavioral Characteristics Seen in the Classroom -
NLD article, but descriptive of SPD in ways
Taming the Tiger - Helping Children with Anger Control
Behavior Management - Getting to the Bottom of Social Skills Deficits
Cognitive "Top Down" Approach to Intervention
Social Comprehension and Social Judgement -
written about brain injury, but is a helpful description .
An IEP Team's Introduction to Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavioral Intervention Plans
Learning Interrupted: Maladaptive Behavior In The Classroom
Positive Behavior Supports Guideline
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