Clarke House guide your children
Kidz Area
Health Links
We would like to congratulate you on winning one of our awards! Your site was easy to navigate, colorful and pleasing to look through.
Your site rocks! You have achieved an outstanding, informative and valuable resource website.
Congratulations! You have won the Health & Family Resources "Award Of Excellence" 2002-2003.
Awarded for design, content & your contribution to health & family
Display with pride, for a job well done.
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Congratulations! We see all the hard work and dedication that you have put into constructing your web site and your efforts are well deserved. Your site displays:  Excellent Design and Layout of Website, with quality content and informative information for your visitors. Your site is a wonderful contribution to the Internet Community.
In recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the Web.
WebMomz Golden Web Award
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