National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders (NCAPD)
CAPD Parents' Page
Auditory Processing Disorders, Treatments, and Intervention
CAPD Test Info
Understanding Processing Deficits
Remediation Techniques for CAPD
Central Auditory Processing Disorder:
A guide for parents and professionals
Living and Working With A Central Auditory Processing Disorder
Tell Me About CAPD
Help Me Focus
Send Questions and Comments To
Auditory Processing Disorder Facts
Dolfrog's Invisibile Disabilities Site
Central Auditory Processing Problems
"From Central Auditory Processing Skills to Language and Literacy"
Central Auditory Processing
Technical Assistance Paper-Auditory Processing Disorders
This is a omprehensive paper (74 pages) discussing management and modifications, FM systems, APD profiles, descriptions of tests used to diagnose APD, etc. A MUST READ document!
Auditory Processing
APDUK - A newly formed non-profit organization interested in furthering understanding of auditory processing disorder in the UK
Guidelines For Determining A Central Auditory Processing Disorder
Information on Central Auditory Processing
Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) & Behavior
Central Auditory Processing Disorders - An Overview of Assessment and Management Practices
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Implication of Auditory Processing Problems In the Home, School and Workplace