When you research SPD, you will read conflicting opinions on what it is and where it fits as a diagnostic entity. Some believe SPD is a component, or a language style, of other disorders. Others believe it is either the same as High Functioning Autism and/or Asperger Syndrome, or that it is a separate, valid disorder on the autistic spectrum. Lastly, there are those who view SPD as a disorder with some autistic-like characteristics, but not part of the spectrum.
Characteristics of this disorder overlap with other, more well known disorders, which causes diagnostic confusion. It doesn't help that this is not a "valid" disability as yet in the US. You might receive a diagnosis of High Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Hyperlexia, PDD-NOS, or even ADHD, or you may hear the word "Atypical" attached to your diagnosis.
To further confuse the issue, there seems to be two separate groups of SPD, which researchers are referring to as Pragmatic Language Impairment Pure and Pragmatic Language Impairment Plus. PLI Plus children seem to fall on the autistic spectrum, with possible different underlying causes for their pragmatic language difficulties than with the PLI Pure children.
Whatever is revealed as research continues, be encouraged and know that things change and our children do learn to communicate with us! |