
C O M M U N I T Y   C H U R C H

The Vision

Church News

Bible Study Resources

Prayer Request

Waterbrooke Fellowship

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W e l c o m e !
Shepherd Of The Prairie is a new church plant springing from Waterbrooke Fellowship in Victoria, Minnesota..  We are an Inter-Denominational Christian Church that is currently planning and exploring the ministry and fellowship needs in the  Mayer - New Germany area. 
SOTP recently sent out a survey card to gather information that will help us focus on the most immediate ministry needs as we move forward.  If you recieved this card please fill it out and return it. If not, email us and we will send one out to you. 
Your input is important!

We hope you will join us in this exciting adventure!

Check back soon to get the latest information and future meeting dates.
Please, browse our site for more information or email us.

God Bless!
David Lawrence
Our Parent Church
Shepherd Of The Prairie
Community Church

P.O. Box 71
Mayer, Minnesota 55360
Phone: 612-723-0972