Carmen's Homepage


Jamy's Quote of the Year: "Daddy, if you don't speak proper english, you'll be a german forever!" (Thought I'd share that with you)


Jörg's Homepage 

Jamy's Homepage

Long Beach Weekend June 01

Puerto Peñasco, Mexico (Rocky Point) June 01  


 Our New Pets June 01 

Our Christmas/New Year 2000/2001  

Heraeus Xmas Party Dec 00  

Goldfield Ghost Town and Superstitions with Petra and Dieter Feb 2001

Petra and Dieter's Visit Feb 2001


Hoop Dance Contest   

Indian Tribes  


Susie's Visit Oct/Sept 00 and Jamy Pictures 

Tombstone (Mar 00)


San Xavier del Bac PowWow (Mar 00)

Southwestern Arizona Weekend (Mar 00)

My MCI Friends and Colleagues Collection

Hot Air Balloon Festival (Nov 99) 

Las Vegas Weekend (Dec 99)

Arizona Pictures

Grand Canyon (Sept 99) 

Navajo Country (Sept 99)

Crazy Creations 1

Crazy Creations 2

Crazy Creations 3

Cacti or Cactuses?

Sunsets (Mexico)


Arizona Dry Humor

Carmen's Arizona Humor

Stereo 8 Website (Italian Band)

Human Joys Website (German Band)

Stefan Baus's Website

Jim Sorg's Website

Mitch Hellman's Website

Uschi Hummert's Website

Photair (Photo Accessories etc.)

 Werner Gawlik's Website

Carmen's Email

Homepage created April 1999. Copyright Carmen Cossell April 1999, 2000, 2001. All photographs are the property of Carmen Cossell, Jörg Kling or otherwise mentioned people. Some backgrounds and graphics have been obtained from "free sources" on the web.