

About Me
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What holds my interest or at least consumes my time.

bullet People - I love people, they fascinate me. Yes this world is made of all types of people, from all types of cultures and they speak all types of different languages
bulletCountry Reports


bullet Chatting on the net - I seem to do a lot of chatting on the net. I have friends all round the world and I enjoy learning about their cultures and languages and I love to listen to their life story. I love to encourage them and take a genuine interest in their live.

Here are some web sight from which you can down load some of the chat programmes I use.

  4. MSN Messenger
  5. Yahoo messenger


bulletLanguages - From the people I chat with I collect language greetings. I ask them how do you say hello and how are you in their language.  I also was learning Spanish but I got a bit bogged down with that so am currently learning  Hebrew. Why Hebrew you're thinking, well we have been having some Israeli tourists come through, usually staying a night or two at home. So I am learning Hebrew off them. To be honest it's a bit of an experiment. I guess you could say I'm trying to learn how to learn a language i.e. which way of learning best suits me.  With them coming to stay I can not only learn it but also use the Hebrew I learn. I find with the speaking of it it gives me another avenue of remembering it.  I am currently wanting to learn how to write it and read it. I've learnt the alphabet, and how to write it. Yes just doing it step by step. It's good fun and that's the way I want to keep it i.e. fun. As in theory if your enjoying what your learning your more likely keep going at it.  Yes never lose the enjoyment factor.
bulletTravel - I have done a little bit of travel i.e. in 1988 I went to Wales and England, Denmark, The Netherlands and Germany. With having an Australian Mum I have been to the Land of Oz about 4 times now, yes been back to see the rallies. One day I'd love to do a world trip to go and visit some of the many interesting people I chat to. That would be very really special.

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This site was last updated 04/19/04