I was born in Baltimore, MD, and am the daughter of Jeffrey Fowler & Marguerite (Iverson) Fowler McKenna.
I am the 6th Great Granddaughter of John "Old John" Friend, James McMullen, Robinson T. Savage, and John Enlow, pioneer settlers of Garrett County, through my paternal Great Grandmother, Harriet Louise (Enlow) Fredrickson.
I graduated from a local 4 year college - FINALLY - with ALL 3 of my B.A. degrees, and am thinking about going for my Masters now -- Got to study for that GRE entrance exam.
I have a job at a local Emergency Vet office, and am learning alot about drawing labs, giving injections, and the care and medical treatment of the animals.
I have attended several annual “Enlow Family Reunions” held in Garrett
County, MD on the Sunday in June following Father's Day, and for two years was the Secretary/Treasurer.