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November 2004

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Hi Everyone, thought I’d better get my act together & get a newsletter written before Christmas is upon us!  We’ve been busy, busy, busy as usual & even more so lately.  Gavin just had his second birthday & I am almost ready to officially open my business.  More details in the
November Newsletter.

I know Gavin will be looking forward to Christmas this year & will really enjoy the Christmas decorations when I get them up.

Of course, there arenew photos on the
Webshots Photo Album site  Our Webshots site has had almost 20,000 hits since I started it! Amazing!  If you have a photo site, or personal website, please share!

Gavin's Page is also updated, so be sure to check it out to find out all his latest accomplishments. 

I always love to hear your feedback.  With so many of our friends and family so far away from us, it's so important for all of us to stay in touch. 
Love, Jeni
Here's Gavin enjoying his birthday cake.  He was really into the icing, despite just getting over the stomach flu.