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Lt. Roderick Lewis Mayer                                     17 Oct 1965                              Lewiston, Idaho
United States Navy

MSgt. Larry C. Thornton                                        24 Dec 1965                             Idaho Falls, Idaho
United States Air Force

WO2 Jessie Donald Phelps                                  28 Dec 1965                             Boise, Idaho
United States Army

Ensign Hal T. Hollingsworth                                  16 Jan 1966                            Grace, Idaho
United States Navy

SSG William Balt Hunt                                              4 Nov 1966                             Sandpoint, Idaho
United States Army

1Lt. Curtis R. Bohlscheid                                    11 June 1967                             Pocatello, Idaho
United States Marine Corps

Lt. William Ellsworth Lemmons                          18 June 1967                             Pocatello, Idaho
United States Army

SP4 John Lynn Powers                                          15 Feb 1971                            Mackay, Idaho
United States Army

WO1 Jon Michael Sparks                                      19 Mar 1971                             Carey, Idaho
United States Army

Capt. Gregg Neyman Hollinger                             14 Dec 1971                             Paul, Idaho
United States Army

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Source:  Compiled by Homecoming II Project 01 April 1990 from one or more of the following:  raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews.  Updated by the P.O.W. NETWORK .

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