HEY!  We were young once!

Welcome to LeilaIlea's Place!


   I have different areas of interest which are included in this site.
     There is a place devoted to
God, which includes information about the churches of Christ.
     There is also a link, on my
Moms of Marines page, to MarineMoms Online which is an internet information and support group site.  MarineMoms Online is for all family members, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents and friends who have a family member (My Marine Son) or friend in the United States Marine Corps. This is a great resource and help for family members new or old to the service.
      I also have a list of
education sites which parents of school-aged children will find useful.  This includes sites for Special Education, because I am a Special Teacher.  As I find education sites which I think are usefull, I will add them to my education pages.
Thank you for stopping by.  I hope you enjoy your visit.

This site created by LeilaIlea.
All page set graphics and images are exclusive to this page and may
Not be copied, borrowed or used in any way.
Copyright 1999-2000, LeilaIlea ~~ All rights reserved.

You are here. Education Resources. My Marine Son. My Youngest Son. Links to some Marine Moms home pages.
Welcome to the church of Christ! Some of my favorite sites. My Marine Moms page. POW/MIA List. In memory of those gone.
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