The Mays Family
Hamilton Mays & Nancy Stanley
The Knight Family Tree
Hamilton Mays was born between 1815 & 1820, info differs. Born is Virginia, (maybe Kanawha Co.WV)  the son of Larkin Mays of Amherst Co. VA. and Mary Elizabeth Williams of Bedford Co. VA.

Larkin died??  in Kanawha County VA. now WV. We know Larkin  was alive in 1831 because his son John D Mays was born in 1832.
We do know that Larkin died?? before 1840.
The book by Laidley  "History of Kanawha County and Representive Citizens"
states that "William Mays" was Hamilton's father and that he died in 1869 in
Lafayette Co. IN. This could be as his name could have been William Larkin but I have never found it listed that way before.
I will keep looking into this as time permits.
The 1840 Kanawha Co. Census gives Elizabeth Mays as head of household. There were five in the home who were probably,
Mary Elizabeth Williams Mays, her dau. Elizabeth??  Hamilton Mays, John D. Mays and a child under five who I am unsure of.
There were 3 blacks, 2 males and 1 female.

The Mays Family first appears in Cabell County about 1841 and Hamilton Mays was married to

Nancy Stanley , dau of John Stanley SR. and Mary Elizabeth Ellison.
The Mays, Stanley and Knight families all lived in this same local.

They lived at the head of Two Mile Ck. of Mud River, where they raised their families. The Mays family remained on that land for over 100 Yrs. The family cemetery is on a high point overlooking their land. Hamilton and Nancy are said to have been buried there. An interview with an elderly lady of the Mays family said she could remember her Dad or her Grandpa Nicholas Mays saying that  "old Ham and Nancy were buried up on the hill".  The cemetery is in a very remote location with no roads leading to it, you must hike in.

I have been to this area this past spring{1999} and have found some of the old foundations of their homes. One of these old homes was occupied by my GG Grandfather Wayne Knight and wife
Elizabeth Mays until their death in 1925.
Elizabeth was their first daughter.

A son of Hamilton and Nancy, John Thomas Mays, 3rd WV Cav. Company G died in the civil war at Parkersburg WV. I have a letter from the National Archives that was brought to Hamilton his dad after his death reguarding his personal effects with his signature. There was a total of 13 children.

Hamilton died on 12 28 1882 two days before his son Ezekial died.

I am still looking for more info on this family.

Ed Knight
Their Children;
John Thomas b. 1848 d. 1864
Catherine F. b. 1849
Matilda b. 1850
Hezekiah S. b. 1851

Ezekiel b. 1852

Sarah Ann b. 1853
Julia b. 1854
Nicholas b. 1855
America b. 1862
Harvey b. 1862
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Updated 2-15-2000
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