The Knight Family of Cabell County, West Virginia Genealogy Page
The Knight Family Tree
What is the purpose of this page? It is to share with you what I have been doing. This page will begin with my genealogy and as time goes by, I will add other interest. For over seven years I have been gathering data on the Knight's of Cabell Co. WV. The results have been very good--from the courthouses, libraries, Internet, interviews(with some very nice elderly people) and other sources. With stories, pictures, facts, and lore, I present unto you my family. I will take you back to the hills and hollows of rural WV, from the old foundations of their homes and lives to the cemeteries where they are now at rest. Come along with me and enjoy our roots.
Ed Knight.
GG Grandmother
Elizabeth Mays
     In the early 1800s, my ancestors crossed the mountains of western Virginia, to what is now Cabell Co. West Virginia. Here they started the difficult task of starting new lives.

We will start with a brief note about each of these families.
Updated Oct. 2008,
new entries and many corrections.
Matthew Knight
Hamilton Mays Family
William (James) Morrison
John Stanley SR.
James Cyrus
William Hutchinson
Rev. Joseph Stanley
Genealogy Files
Please Let Me Know About Mistakes or Additions Needed
Links to other sites:
Cabell Co. WV Gen Web Page
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Old Pictures
Alvin Scott Knight & Emma Bias
David Allen Hutchinson & Ella Cyrus
John Thomas Knight & Stella Chapman
Elizabeth {Mays} Knight
Victoria Smith
Earnest Knight & Cynthia Ann Flynn
Lowen Chester Knight & Dolly Marie Hutchinson
My Family In The Civil War
  The years of the Civil War was a time of division for our country,county, as well as the families of my ancestors in Cabell County. Six boys served in this terrible conflict. They were on different sides of the fence so to say. Four were Union, one Confederate and one Confederate who changed sides and joined up with the Union.

These men were,
James Thomas Knight, killed in action;
John Thomas Mays, died in hospital;
John D. Mays, sent to Confederate Prison;
William Henry Cyrus;
Henry Morrison
Robert  Stanley;
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