Life According to Keely
Updated July 29/03
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These are pictures from our trip to Trochu, on the Red Deer River surrounded by Alberta Badlands.
A beautiful valley cut by the Red Deer over millions of years. You can see the sedimentary lines of ancient sea beds.
Badlands typically are where palentologists find many dinosaur bones.
Taken from the valley floor the first picture looks west and the second looks east.  We rode the horses through the valley, along the river and up to the high prairie grass and back down.  A real statement as to how hardy and reliable our mounts are.
Here you can see where we camped.  The river is behind the trees.  It was so hot...between 30-35 C or almost 100 F.  Thank goodness for the river to cool off in for both us and the horses.
The other great thing was there were hardly any other people around and it was only $8 a night to camp!
I took this pic just as Dee let her horse pick its way down the rock steps.  Notice the weird rock shapes behind.  Sandstone culptured by winds, rains and erosion it is constantly changing.
Not a descent for the faint of heart.  The horses really had to think about each step as they carried us down to the valley bottom.We were about 1/4 the way down at this point.  Can you see the tiny white dots where we camped? (1/4 ways in from the very top right hand side)