Gold Ballereyna 2005 CAT CMK Champion at CAT Maturity Sire by Myte Fine out of Sahnareyn, she was won CMK Championship before and multi MOst Classic Head and Most Classic Filly
Gold Sereyna 2005 CAT CMK Reserve Champion at CAT Futurity Sire by Sonselim RS out of Reyn of Gold
Gold Trinity 2004 CAT CMK Champion, Gold Medal Winner and 2004 Al Marah Cup Winner. Pictured here with former owner of Trizar, Rick Synowski, judge Jack Sims and owner Bobby Wallis
- Sire: Trizar+ (Brills Tribune x Bufarra by Bufarr)
- Dam: Love of Gold (Madu Gold Dust x SH Contessa by Alaraf)
Bon Fire 2004 CAT Breeder's Class Winner, Gold Medal Winner. Pictured here with his owner, Ann Webb. Bon Fire's dam fooled everyone into thinking she wasn't in foal until a month before foaling. Ann was shocked and very elated. We want to congradulate her on such a nice colt.
- Sire: Myte Fine (Madu Gold Dust x Tso Fine by Ivanhoe Tsultan)
- Dam: BA Kimfire (Fire Devil x Kimona by Kimfa)
Bobby on Jezireh+ and Alex on KA Farohs Gold Alex has started her endurance career this year and already doing 100s. She completed her first 100 at the Unicorn Hunt in 100 degree weather. Jezireh+ won BC at this ride and completed a 100 at Armadillo six weeks later. Both Alex and Bobby are list in their divison in Points in the Central Region!
Dusty Tu. CMK Gelding. Dusty Tu is blazing up the trails with several Top Tens and BCs. He has won several 50 mile rides in 2005. He is owned and ridden by Stan Standick in Utah
- Sire: Madu Gold Dust (Lewisfield Latigo x Bint Skorzar by Skorzar)
- Dam: Rawna (Satars Rascal x Al Shawna by Rashawn)
Bobby on Roddy & Maria on Myte Fine Myte Fine was 2004 CAT Most Classic Stallion and as you can see he is my endurance horse. Pretty and Tough... what CMK is all about!
Our daughter Jessica on her mare Shadow of Gold (Madu Gold Dust x BT Bright Shadow by Laureate++) This is Jessica's Senior picture. She and Shadow are also competing in endurance.
Our other pets...
Oscar - French Bulldog
Moose & Red - Eclectus Parrots