South Dade Parents of Multiples Club

What we offer to parents of multiples.


Email us if you have a specific question about multiples or if you would like more information about our club.

About Us
Read about our charter and executive board.

Local links
of interest to parents of multiples.

Links we like
on the internet.

Facts about Multiples website

frequently asked by parents of multiples.

Fun! Jokes, recipes and other nonsense.

Ditto our club newsletter.

National Organization of the Mothers of Twins Club
Our parent organization.
The Triplet Connection
Mothers Of SuperTwins

March Playgroup at MetroZoo, before the rainstorm!

This site has been accessed times since May 21, 1999!
It was last updated 11/12/00.
Page design by Emily Beech, please email me with any concerns.

[What we offer] [Membership] [Email us] [About Us] [Philanthrophic Efforts] [Local links] [Links we like] [Questions] [Fun!] [NOMOTC]