I'm originally from the GREAT state of Kansas. In case you haven't had the pleasure of visiting there, that's in the middle of the United States. The last few years I lived on the East Coast in New Jersey (I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore!) I've been living in Amman, Jordan, since January, 1999. It's nice here, but I miss Taco Bell and Walmart. Can someone email me a taco please?
I've been doing web designs with Paint Shop Pro for about a year and a half. The last couple of months I've gotten hooked on BladePro. It's a neat program that works with Paint Shop Pro (and Photoshop, which I haven't mastered yet unfortunately) to do very nice designs. If you are a web designer, or are thinking about it, get Paint Shop Pro, version 6 is just out. Also check out my Complete Paint Shop Pro Links, which has a sorted list of tutorials for PSP, as well as where to get many things to use in web designs. I'd love to hear any comments or suggetions you have on my Designs.
In my spare time I enjoy reading, cross stitch, and I love cats! I grew up with a houseful of them. The cats here in Jordan are wild, so I'll have to wait until I get back to New Jersey, hopefully in the summer of 2000, to get a kitty to snuggle up to. Cats rule!!! I do genealogy in my spare time, both the old-fashioned way (snail-mail) and via the internet. I have traced a few lines to Germany, a couple to England, and one to Ireland.
I also enjoy making web pages in my spare time. Check out my Custom Design page if you'd like an origional design for your page. I design my graphics with Paint Shop Pro. I haven't learned Photoshop yet, it looks really tough. If you know any good web pages for those of us who don't think we can master it, please email me.
Check out my other web pages:
My Family Tree is my genealogy page, it also has humor. Hey, maybe we're related :)
Anisah's Page is my regular page, with a variety of things including: a large Islam section, links to information on all Middle Eastern countries, Recipes from many countries, more Humor, and my Photo Album.
Thanks for coming to my page. Please stop by again :)
Anisah Haynes