Our story...It is real funny the way it happened. As they say, when you meet the person, you'll KNOW. Somehow, deep down, I had always believed this. I often used to feel rather lonely, especially in my college days, when the girls used to paint the town red with their guys and I just did my usual home - college - home route.
We must have talked about this soo many times - how we managed to miss each other and suddenly became friends in such a short notice. As I think back, I guess we became thick friends in the inside of a week! Both of us were working in the same work place for almost a year before we even noticed each other. I guess we were under each other's nose all the time and didn't even register the other's presence. (Tho' Sundeep claims he noticed me a long time back and knew I was the one for him!) The first time he actually asked me out, I didn't even realise he had asked me - till I said "ah shit, I have to be some where else" and pondered about the whole thing about 10 hours later! And the first time I asked him out, he said "yeah of course I am free, we'll go to the beach" only to call about two hours before he was supposed to pick me up and take a rain check! What a beginning! Once we became friends though, there was no stopping us. I worked double shifts to be around him for as long as possible and he, in turn, made it a point to drop me off home so that we can use the travel time too. Pretty soon, it became evident to us that something electric is going on - though neither of us would acknowledge it to the other. Till today, I proudly say I bullied him into accepting his feelings for me! But it wasn't all smooth sailing. We took our own sweet time to decide that we were serious about each other and tell our folks. Now both families are slowly beginning to accept us. Due to the differences in our background, there are the parental concerns but what the heck! We know that this is it and we are going ahead with it. Wish us luck! |