{{ Poemz }}

LookinG ArounD !

Looking around
I see pain
Looking around
I see frustration
Looking around
I see sadness
People crying,
And that makes me want
To cry too.
Looking around
I see love
Looking around
I see joy
Looking around
i see happiness,
People laughing
And that makes me want
To laugh too.
Two different emotions.
Looking around
I see them both every day.
One as strong as the other,
As different as night and day.
Looking around
I see the world
Sadness and happiness,
Frustration and joy.
One as strong as the other,
As different as night and day.
Shattered Reflection
I wish i had a mirror,
for memories fade away.
To only once look back
On yesterday's today.
To hold it in my hand,
To look, to see, to cry.
To wonder who I am
So I'd never wonder why.
To shine it on my soul
And hope to see my heart
To hold it there forever
Until it falls apart.
To reflect it on the Earth
And do all that's wrong.
To shine it on all people
And show them they belong.
I must lock it in a box
And throw away the key.
To keep it there forever,
For all eternity 
I am an individual
who has feelings,
who has thoughts,
who grows with every
tick of the clock.
I am a student
with responsibilites,
with goals,
with many acheivements.
I am a person
who can laugh,
who can cry,
who can form opinions,
of my own.
I am a discovery
with surprises,
with dreams,
who hopes to accomplish
many things in life

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