This page last updated November  2002


Algonquin Park is the oldest and most famous provincial park in Ontario and one of the largest in Canada.  Algonquin is just three or four hours away from Toronto or Ottawa, Ontario and stretches across 7,725 square kilometers of wild and beautiful lakes and forests, bogs and rivers, cliffs and beaches.   You can experience Algonquin for one day or many days.  It can be visited on foot or by canoe.  Algonquin Park is the jewel of Ontario.


The 1999 adventure was nicknamed "Return to the Wild" and it turned out to be quite appropriate.  From Day 1 this trip was certainly wild.  We had to deal with low water levels, excessive beaver dams, a fire, modification of our original route and of course, a major storm while on a lake.  The group started out as six and dropped to four and nine days became seven days, even though the distance increased.  Click on the title above to enjoy our "return to the wild".


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