Laura Kenney's Web Page

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Last July Laura's aunt Kathy wrote this poem about Laura. This last year has been one giant miracle in the works. "Laura's Coming Home"

Laura's coming home and it's a big event.

I sang the last time.

I sang all day those very words....

"Laura's coming home. Laura's coming home !"

Actually, then she wasn't, coming home that is.

No, she was coming to a hospital in her home state.

It is my home state too.

And I sang and I sang. "Laura's coming home.

Laura's coming home !"

She came home to us in a coma.

She came home to us with broken bones.

She came home to see us too.

She came home to smile and to thrash.

She came home to change alittle everyday.

She came home to be spoken to and to have her hands held.

And she cried at this home hospital too.

But she was home !

Laura's come a long way while she's been coming home.

She's climbed mountains while lying in a bed.

She's moved boulders while sitting in a wheelchair.

Laura's strengths outweigh her weaknesses.

Laura's home is in many, many hearts.

"Laura's coming home. Laura's coming home !"

What a glorious song to sing. What a glorious day it will be !

More changes for each day. More words to share.

Hugs to give and receive. More tears to flow too.

But Laura's coming home !

This time , Laura's home is familiar and personal.

This time, Laura's address is not a room number.

These mountains and these boulders are alittle less steep.

This time, Laura's home is where many, many hearts are

and her's too !

"Laura's coming home.

Laura's coming home !"

kathy schultz

Upcoming Events

August 12, 2000

Eat A Peach Challenge Bike Ride for the Brain Injury Assoc.

September 19, 2000

BIAM Annual Meeting

Please help us support the efforts of the Aimee Willard Foundation by checking out the Aimee Willard web site.

Also please support the work of the Brain Injury Association of Maryland to assist families find the information and care needed to rehabilatate brain injured patients

send an e-mail to Tom and Anne Kenney

send an e-mail to Laura Kenney

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