Affirmative Prayers -
In Meeting Many
Be still and know that I am God.
Divine order is now
established in me through the power of the indwelling Christ.
I am in divine order.
God is in charge.
This is His world.
I am His child.
there are His people.
Now is His time.
God is love. Lovingly
in the hands of Love, I place myself.
I am a radiant,
all-wise, all-loving, all-conquering child of God. I rule supreme in all
the affairs of mind and body.
When you need a
sense of life and aliveness:
I love life and life
loves to express itself through me.
When you need
God is my health, I
am know it now.
God is love. God, I
relax in Your healing love.
My mind and my heart
are attuned to the harmony of the universe. I think and I feel life, life,
When you
feel alone and lonely:
Lord of love, let me
be a friend when a friend is needed. Let me have a friend when I need a
When you need to
feel at peace about things:
Peace surrounds me
and enfolds me. My eyes behold peace. My lips speak peace. My fee walk in
paths of peace.
When facing a
crisis, making a change:
Fear fades into
nothingness; I am filled with courage, for I anticipate only good.
When you need
guidance and direction:
I think only
God-centered thoughts and I am guided into God-directed action.
When you want to
bless someone else:
You are God's child,
kept in His love, living His life, doing His. work.
I behold the Christ
in you.
- James Dillet
Freeman -
