First Name : Peggy
e-mail address or website url or e-mail me now : My maiden name was Van Buskirk. Most of the Van Buskirks I have been researching are from Pennsylvania, Kingston, Luzerne county. I believe they came from New Jersey originally. It is nice to know that there is other genealogy crazy people out there. Than
First Name : Betty
e-mail address or website url :
Comment : Very interesting site that represents much work. My ancestor, ANDRIES AUMACK m. TEUNTJE/TITJE/FYTJE VAN BOSKIRK in 1748.She was the d. of THOMAS VAN BOSKIRK & VOLKERTIE COLLIER.
First Name : Andrew
Comment : My last name is Buskirk. Does Buskirk, New York have anything to do with our ancestors? How can I find out if I am a Van or a Von Buskirk? Thank you, Andrew
First Name : Gabi
Comment : Hallo!!! Ich bin Gabriele Waidele - früher Gabriele Rendler...ich bin auf der Suche nach meinen Vorfahren Stech/Rendler auf diese Seite gestoßen und hab mich sehr gefreut!!!
Kannst Du Dich an mich erinnern???
First Name : Gabriele Waidele
Comment : So wonderful, the Internet -World and this Hobbie. Isn`t it???
First Name : Robert Canine
Comment : I am also related to the Carnine's, Conyn, Conyne, Conine, Van Vechten, Van Alen, Desmarest, Vandenburgh, Bogardus, Hoogeboom genealogy's. My site URL above.
First Name : Penny
URL : (e-mail)
Comment : My father's mother was a Van Buskirk d 1932 married to Samuel E. Baley - Syracuse/Rochester/Elmira He remarried. no info other than her parents immigrated from Germany. We are looking as our kids are asking.
First Name : Diana
Comment : Granddaughter of Clara Anna VanBuskirk who has been traced by her nephew Al Andrews, Esq Portland Oregon all the way back to the original Anreas VanBuskirk who immegrated to New Holland in the 1700's. Found this website when my youngest child asked if we
First Name : Charlene King
Comment : I have two Barnes lines. One with the Barnes, Bays and Bakers that migrated from PA to IL to CO to CA.
My other is Barnes, Thomas, Still, and Stephenson who migrated from NC to KY to MO.
I enjoyed your site.
First Name : Richard
Comment : John,
I think we are on to something. I will get busy and pull my info together. I have some articles on my ROUSE and COOK's. I can fax them or e-mail. Please let me know what you prefer.
First Name : Dr. Cynthia Tenicki
URL : (email)
Comment : I just signed a moment ago - have no idea what URL is. So here is my e-mail address. I am trying to find out if there is a link between a VanBuskirk (Joseph or Yoest) and Elizabeth Lawrence of the Lawrence Family of Lancastershire England - also related t
First Name : Dr. Cynthia Tenicki
URL : (email)
Comment : I just signed a moment ago - have no idea what URL is. So here is my e-mail address. I am trying to find out if there is a link between a VanBuskirk (Joseph or Yoest) and Elizabeth Lawrence of the Lawrence Family of Lancastershire England - also related t
First Name : Lind
Comment : My father was Earl Van Buskirk, from Ogden, Utah. He was one of six
children. We have no other information, other than my sister thinks the
family name was originally something else. My father was the last known
member of his family, and died in 1975-7
First Name : Colleen Thayer
Comment : Enjoyed your website. We are also descended from two of the original Van Loons. Nicholas and Matthys. Matthys (son of Nicholas) married Rebecca Evertse. Their son, Evert married Annartje VanDyke. Annartje's father, Stephen VanDyke married Ida (Eitje) VanL
First Name : Judith Carol ( VAN ALSTINE) Morcom
Comment : I had heard of a BOGARDUS connection and found your website in my search.My hobby too is Genealogy. My direct line is: Martin VanAlstyne cir1591 Jan Martense cir1623 Abraham Janse VanAlstyne cir1650 Abraham Janse VanAlstyne b.15Aug1703 Leendert VanAlstyne
First Name : Mancel D. Spoor
Comment : I am a descendant of Jan Wybesse Spoor.13th. Generation.
First Name : Louise
Comment : Hi, Thanks for visiting my web site, I've took a look around your site and you have done a great job.....I'm still searching VAN DEN BERGE; SMITH; BRUCE; BURNS; BLACK; ELLIS; FERGUSON; BLYETH/BLYTHE; HUTTO; AARONS; MILAM;..thanks again