More random thoughts on world / national affairs. 2003 by John C Van Buskirk
The United States of America needs a revival of God’s Spirit. Too much of the media is supporting a vocal minority which is trying to undercut the moral fabric and the religious basis that the founding fathers brought with them as they created the institutions of the democracy in America. Democracy requires an educated moral responsible base in the common people who comprise the governed of and by the republic. The early immigrants from Europe were leaving behind the failed system of religious oppression, authority dictating their very thoughts, and economic repression that kept everyone within the same status as their parents. The English and Dutch did have some degree of experience with liberty and individual rights, and part of the basis for revolt was that the Parliament of England was treating the colonists as second class citizens, denying rights they already enjoyed in Europe. Today the so-called liberal elite of America seem bent on returning America to the old failed system the early pioneers fled from.
Most of those who came to America between 1600 and 1700 believed in God, within several different organized church groups, but with a common belief in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit - except some sects including Jews, and Deists who did accept only God -- guiding and sustaining them through the early hardships, and bringing about a new cultural phenomenon that became the United States of America, a melting pot of diverse but united citizens with common purpose. The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion, to secure the integrity of each of the several denominations as independent churches, not freedom to forget God in the process. It took another century or two to work out the problems, and several major wars to accomplish the complete break with European Rule. Thomas Jefferson invoked the authority of God as creating men with the inalienable rights of Life, Liberty. and The Pursuit of Happiness. Without that common belief there is no basis for our need for Independence. Without a common people willing to shed a little of their own liberty to allow for the rights of others their own space and rights, we would forfeit our own rights, and democracy is not viable. The legal system adopted by that early republic also reflects the English Common Law, and codifies the Biblical Ten Commandments, as the authority that keeps the peace and legal civil system workable. They also believed in families and the personal responsibility for each person to do the right because it is right, and not just because someone was watching and enforcing every little detail. All public officials take oaths of office which end with "so help me God".
Over the years the system allowed for changes, the treatment of Indians and Slaves was modified as people came to realize the injustices that had been inflicted, but it took time, and another war to establish some of the changes in law and fact, some of the problems are still to be worked out today, the process is still ongoing. The solutions are more likely to come if the people look into their conscience and strengthen the relationship to the God that they perceive....that all people need to be considered equal as people, that all bigotry and mistreatment of any groups as minorities with some perceived defect must be eliminated. This has been a problem for the 10.000 years of civilized history, and cannot be completely resolved overnight. We continue to work on this one problem at a time. Currently some groups elsewhere in the world think of us in that same vein, as a "minority to be eliminated" as we may have perceived them in the past. They are often jealous that our model of democracy and personal liberty actually seems to work, and is attracting converts even in areas still exercising the authority over their people who want to imitate us and are in many ways are starting to realize the benefits of some of the modern conveniences we have developed. Those who wish to keep the status quo in those circles are as prepared to repress their people and by force restrain any increase in liberty as George III and Parliament were in trying to prevent their colonies from gaining independence in 1776.
During the 200 plus years of our experiment in democracy, the countries of the old world continued business as usual with the resulting string of conflicts and wars that constitute world history. Some involved America, many more did not. Twice America was called on to save the day for Europe, tipping the scales back towards the democratic countries and defeating aggressors who wanted to deny liberty to anybody. Today’s aggressors are a little more subtle, using terror tactics instead of head on conflicts. They are no less dangerous, and they realize that they have to neutralize American power if they have any hope of succeeding. They wish to divide us from our allies, keep us busy at home with internal conflicts so we are unable or really just unwilling to keep up the fight against them.
We need to reflect on the real source of the problem, our confidence in our national purpose and our relationship with God. This is also in many ways a continuation of the religious wars that began in the Middle Ages with Crusades. The Moslem religion and the Christian Religion both wish to expand their sphere of influence to 100% of the world. This will likely never happen. From the day it was founded the Moslem side has used military force to spread their system through out much of Asia, Africa, and even parts of Europe, and a few inroads in America. The Christians were instructed to go into all the world and PREACH the Gospel peacefully. They expect God to be able to condition the recipients to listen and hear the message, but they do not have to use force. The choice to believe or not is up to the individual believer. This system has worked - in New Testament times with the apostles, like Paul. The Roman empire took over 300 years to accept the Christian Church. 500 more years to convert Medieval Europe, who then in turn sent Missions to America, Africa and elsewhere in the world. But it is a slower process, often with setbacks. The key is the involvement of God in the process. The fact that there still is a Christian Church family of God’s loyal people in spite of constant persecution and struggles is evidence that God is real and supplying the needed power to revive and sustain its ongoing presence-- one major key is the perpetual prayers of the people.The example set by good moral living is often the key to convincing new converts, and keeping them faithful during hardships and persecution.
For over 2000 years the process has worked, and still can. Those of us concerned with the current status of affairs in the world need to employ the Prayer Power, and ask God to Revive us again. The current tendency of American society to break away from God and toward personal gratification in sex and activities which are ever increasingly depressing to those who do reflect the older values. Probably some of the natural disasters and reversal of fortunes in the past decade or two could be messages from God to America - mend your ways.
The record God left in the Bible, dealing with the family of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David etc, is one of patience with a rebellious people often straying from His intended purpose, He repeatedly chastised and tried to correct them, and eventually had to discipline them with exile. Our nation was founded with a similar blessing from God, but also is expected to keep up with His purpose as followers of His laws. The continued trend away from this purpose will likely lead to similar chastisement from Him. The older civilizations like Greece, Rome, and many others flourished, and then disappeared
from history. It could happen to us. We should ask God to give us strength to persevere, and for His intervention with His Spirit to revive our citizens and restore our resolve to keep America a strong force for Christian values and its viable support for democracy and liberty in today’s world.
Again reflecting on the Old Testament accounts, The people God chose to reveal Himself to the world of mankind, did not jump to accept it immediately. Moses argued with God at the "burning bush" that he could not do the job, but God said he could, and he did. In the wilderness, the people were required to spend 40 years wandering aimlessly because the men they sent as spies had no confidence that they could overcome the inhabitants of Canaan, the many miracles God had used to bring them to that point were not enough to convince them to follow His call to move forward. Are we in that same position? Will we let the world surrender to the terrorists of a minority of the Moslems who resent the progress of the modern world? This is really a Moslem vs Moslem war, even more than a Moslem vs Christian war. The Al-Qeida wants to take away any progress that their own countries have achieved. They are upset with us because we help defend their own Moslem brothers! The Palestinian problems date back to the time of the Philistines vs the Israelites of the Old Testament, and cannot be settled quickly. The Christians splits with the reformation brought on the inquisitions that led to the wars in Europe from which our pioneer ancestors were fleeing. The Northern Ireland problems date back to that era. The Protestants were just as cruel to the Catholics in their community as the old church was to them in Spain and France.
There has always been a Satanic force working to confound the good that God is trying to do and has infiltrated the good societies in every era of history. It inserts questions to shake up the established unity of purpose. It encourages leaders to exceed their authority, to use position and power for their own good, which along with greed turns into corruption, and eventually brings down the system into chaos. This is what I feel the present course of events in America is headed for, if we do not ask for God’s help to intercede, bring us back to the course He has asked us to follow in the first place, to unite in the resolve to restore the United States to its original status as a God fearing Christian nation, with due tolerance for minority views, which by example shows the world that God is indeed in charge. It can be done, if we unite in prayers for his guidance and leadership. Let us do it. !!!