more views. -- Beliefs of
I have been raised as a Christian, Protestant, Methodist. My mother had been Presbyterian.
I have a BA from ROBERTS WESLEYAN COLLEGE - A Free Methodist College
in the Army I was assigned to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland where there was a Welcome Center for Servicemen sponsored by IFCA churches - Independent Fundamental Churches of America. with support from a number of area churches of various denominations, all fundamental. I also visited other churches, especially the local Southern Baptist Church.
Back home in Tully Methodist, I taught various Sunday School Classes, The local Methodist and American Baptist Churches merged as a United Church. I also found a girl to marry who was Roman Catholic. For over 30 years I have gone to services of both churches every week.
for 7 years I was employed in the offices of the American Baptist Churches of New York State in Syracuse. From all of the above I have derived my own views , a composite of the various viewpoints above, but not really in full agreement with any one of them.
I believe in the Holy Bible as the Authorized word of God transcribed by human scribes; it is accurate as far as God / Human relations and the conflict of good and evil and that God is in a war with the devil for the allegiance of the human race, The main subject is God’s plan of redeeming those who have sinned.
As a scientific source it is accurate when it says IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED HEAVEN AND EARTH the rest is a recap of the various steps, but leaves plenty of room for theories of how he did it such as evolution. the seven days start before there was an earth and sun, so the "day" we know did not exist. I submit that in the vein that in heaven there is no time as we know it. According to recent theories --again I say theories not proved -- the whole universe began with a big bang about 15 billion years ago. Time and space began together with a flash of light. Thus Let there be light could come before the sun is established. Heavens "Day" could be 10 thousand years , 10 million years, 10 billion years, variable as God saw fit. the 6 periods of time to accomplish this easily can fill the 15 billion years now envisioned. God knows how he did it. Men have tried to grasp it with stories and legends. He is starting to reveal some the secrets, but even now the scientists have to keep changing the theory to fit new facts, still do not have all then facts, but generally agree it is too complicated for chance, there had to be a creative intelligent force behind it all I accept GOD CREATED IT ALL. PERIOD
The Bible explanation is true but incomplete, because no one then (and even now) could understand all of this complexity. Like wise on Adam and Eve. Evolutionist still are troubled because they cannot find a link between the ape / humans who did populate the planet and disappeared and the new race of humans Homo Sapiens that now dominate the planet. I submit that God could have created us in his own image and breathed into him the breath of life --the spirit to recognize God, separate from the natural process. He knows how it was done, we don’t. ( Perhaps by a space ship from some distant Planet where he did a similar creation, and perfected us there). but again it does not matter to the main purpose of the Bible.-- Which is; The origin of good and evil, sin and the plan of redemption to come. Most of the Old Testament gives clues to the coming of Christ.. Especially where Abraham is asked to sacrifice his son, Isaac, rescued by a ram in the thicket, When it came God’s turn his son was sacrificed as the LAMB OF GOD.
When Jesus says that Abraham saw His day and was glad, it may be he meant the meeting with Melchizadek King of Peace. coming back from wars. Christ is called a priest after his order. Much of the OT can be interpreted this way. The people of the new testament era went 20 years after the events described before they were written down, before the theologians tried to spin the stories. Mark was pretty straight. Matthew aimed at those familiar with Jewish law. Luke was addressing the Romans to support Paul’s defense in Rome -Christianity was no threat to Roman auuthority. John and Paul are refuting a fast rising Gnostic theory that Christ was not a real human, but a spirit that looked like a man. All are attesting to the truth of what we are still learning about God and Jesus and the way he works in the human experience among hard headed / hardhearted people slow to accept and believe in the way God expects the world to behave. (The devil has been active all the way to deceive people and make them sin against God) God’s redemption seems too easy. The rest of the world is looking for God. In Christianity God is seeking people to come to him. He is right there waiting for us to ask for forgiveness.
I definitely believe in God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit the Trinity - 3 in one< I believe that Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead I believe that through this act sinners are saved by the grace of God .The how and why of the process by which this works is the main sticking points between denominations. They all agree on the 3 basic statements. I start with.
The problem comes when each denomination thinks they have the only right answer, to the exclusion of all others. Part of the problem comes from the theologians of history using the same words but different definition of terms. Sin Salvation Sanctification
Baptism of Children, vs adults, or later confirmation ; Sprinkle, pour, immerse ;
The biggest problem is the treatment of the Mass , Communion, Lords Supper
Are there 7 Sacraments, 2 sacraments , or just Ordinances
I believe that the devil used these as tools to disrupt the church and impede its progress.
God does not care which way you define the above. As long as the basic belief is there that Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again That the sinner accepts salvation on these terms, is all he requires.
Faith and belief are the key. Obedience to God’s law and direction. Works are important part of the obedience, but secondary to faith in the promises of God. The Holy Spirit is the 3d part of the Trinity and the Comforter, Counselor who is available to all who look for his help to make correct decisions, help when in trouble or grieved by the death of relatives or friends, hear prayers, give the petitioner the comfort he needs. my case he has seen me through over 60 years and hundreds of problems, including my wife’s death from cancer, and I still expect him to be there as needs arise.. I give Thanks and Praise for his Faithfulness.
John C Van Buskirk 10/06/2002