Tucker, Tempest, and Windy

News:  One of Tempest's puppies is now an AKC Champion!
Click for details
Hi - My name is Tucker (O'Hubains Tucker Snowbear).  I am an 18 month old Bichon Frise.  My parents thought that I would grow up to be about 12 - 14 pounds.  Boy! Were they wrong.  I now weigh in at a whopping 25 pounds!
Below is a picture of my little sister Tempe (Kachina's Texas Tempest).  She is a Havanese that came to us all the way from Arizona.  She and I have great fun playing chase in our back yard.  Like all little sisters, she can be a pain though.  She is always stealing my toys or chewing on my ears.

You can see more of her at
Tempest's Havanese Page
Tempe had a litter of puppies in January of 2001.  Below is a photo of the one that wouldn't go away.  Her name is Windy (Rocking H Desert Wind). 
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Click here for puppy photos!
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Page updated 23 December 2001