Welcome to my Guestbook!

Wendy McIntyre - 11/22/00 20:26:38
My Email:wmcintyre@webtpa.com

I'm so happy for you. The pictures are beautiful. Best wishes for your future.

LeeAnn Norton - 06/29/00 17:03:23
My Email:leeann@bpaa.com

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you both, you are a beautiful couple and I hope all your lifelong dreams come true.

- 03/07/00 19:34:22


Kristie Hess - 02/27/00 18:22:18
My Email:kakbaby@swbell.net

Great Pictures!!! Congrats!!!

Mark and Jennifer Clamon - 01/24/00 23:22:25
My Email:rclamon@home.com

Congratulations. I am sorry I missed it. Keep in touch.

Cyndi Chlup - 01/24/00 05:55:50
My Email:cmccyndi@aol.com

Doug and Julie-Congrats on your wedding. It looks like it was a quaint, beautiful wedding. After 5 years of marriage, I can honestly say, I can't believe that any day could ever get any better than the day before. I just hope that you two will be as ha py as Jim and I have been. Keep in touch! - Cyndi Chlup

The Keeley's - 01/15/00 06:07:01
My Email:Fortkeeley@yahoo.com

Great pictures!Your dress was gorgeous, Julie.What a great setting for the wedding as well.

Rob, Amy & Rachel Keeley - 12/14/99 03:04:56
My Email:rark@netzero.net

Congratulations to you both!

Tom Keeley - 12/14/99 00:00:54
My Email:Tke5150@aol.com

Very nice pictures. You guys look great together!

Laura Austin - 09/30/99 18:17:45
My Email:laustin@sftp.com

Doug - those pictures were wonderful! It was just like being there....I am so happy for you and Julie. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!! I wish you the VERY BEST! Laura

Bill & Kathy Nebe - 09/29/99 22:36:43
My Email:bill.nebe@solocup.com

Congradulations. Love Bill, Kathy, Chase and Natalie.

Frank Verdin - 09/28/99 03:32:24
My Email:FVerdinJr

Doug and Julie Sorry I couldnt make your wedding, not sure where I was at the time. Hope to see you guys soon. Best wishes.. Fv

Bob - 09/25/99 19:34:00
My Email:bob@rowell.com

Again, Congratulations. Hope you enjoy this small website. Bob

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