Welcome to the Dodge County Trails Association (DCTA) home page. This site is intended for visitors like you. Bookmark this site. You are going to want to come back and see the progress! Please send the link to this page to your friends in Dodge County. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/2071/ We are happy you are interested in our organization and encourage you to attend our meetings. |
The Dodge County Trails Association (DCTA) is a non-profit volunteer organization. The DCTA was formed in 1995 by a group of citizens interested in the development of a multi-purpose trail system throughout Dodge County Minnesota. Many people have shared a part in the success of the DCTA. Continued success hinges on the positive enthusiasm of the current and future volunteers.
The stagecoach is coming. "Are you ready to ride?" The Dodge County Trails Association (DCTA) was formed in early 1995. The Dodge County Economic Development Commission (DCEDC) was instrumental in generating interest for this organization.
The mission of the Dodge County Trails Association is to promote, coordinate and facilitate a multi-use linear park and trail system throughout the Dodge County Minnesota. This linear park and trail system will bring improved safety, physical fitness, recreational activities and economic benefits to the citizens of the Dodge County, the surrounding counties and all people who use and enjoy the trails.
Projects |
Sunrise Trail (completed fall 1999) The Sunrise Trail is the second part of a planned loop system that connects Kasson, Mantorville and the Sunset Trail. The Sunrise Trail also starts at the highway 57 bridge in Mantorville and runs south along highway 57, east along county road 15 and south along two recent housing developments between Kasson and Mantorville. It ends at the Kasson Mantorville Senior High school parking lot. It is 2.2 miles long. This trail is a bit more challenging than the Sunset Trail. It has more curves and hills. Great for cross country skiing. This path will be a 10-foot wide asphalt path, separated from county road 15 by a grass boulevard and curb along county road 15. Money was also saved on this trail as the construction coincided with the planned upgrade of county 15. Future plans in Kasson indicate that it could continue along the elementary school, fair grounds and south into a residential area in Kasson, lining up with 8th Avenue NE. Additionally crossing under a new railway overpass constructed during the DM&E upgrade. |
The Stagecoach Trail is currently in the planning stages. The concept is to cross Dodge county in an east and west direction. The goal is to connect Rochester Minnesota to Owatonna Minnesota, via Rochester Minnesota, Oxbow Park, just north of Byron Minnesota, Wasioja, and Rice Lake State park, east of Owatonna Minnesota, on of the many Minnesota State parks. Oxbow park is an Olmsted county park. The trail segment between Mantorville MN and Oxbow park is the current focus of the Dodge County Trails Association (DCTA). Proposed trail segments along the Zumbro river are being considered and would definitely be the most scenic. There is support from numerous landowners along the proposed river route. Further route selection is necessary to determine the best feasible trail route to Oxbow park. Collaboration with the Byron Trails and Oxbow park is established. The Stagecoach Trail project was signed into law in 1997 by the Minnesota State Legislature. News Release |
Iron horse Trail (planned) A trail section running north and south through Dodge Count is also another area of focus for the residents of Dodge Center, Claremont, Hayfield, West Concord, and Kenyon. It is hoped that this segment will link Austin and Blooming Prairie to Nerstrand Woods just northwest of Kenyon near Nerstrand Minnesota. |
Other feeder segments along the east/west corridor of the Stagecoach trail as well as the north/south segment called the Iron Horse trail need to be identified and worked on. We are hoping local residents can spark interest throughout their communities and help us align and build these feeder segments to the main routes. Informational meetings will be held in these communities to offer ideas, and take suggestions as well as gauge the level of interest and involvement from the local residents. Volunteers from each of the communities will be asked to join the Dodge County Trails Association (DCTA) to get their communities input and organize local community efforts towards the completion of the trails. Remember that the DCTA is a volunteer, non-profit organization. "Trails don't build themselves", it takes people like you to get involved and make things happen. Trail Maintenance and Improvements (planned) Appendix of Trail Improvements plan (without pictures) Picture Index of Trail Maintenance and Improvements plan
Covered bridge in Mantorville, MN photo by Dave Dripps |
Funding for the trail projects comes from federal and state grants, city and county commitments, business and individual donations. A fund raising letter is sent out to area businesses and a booth is set up at the Dodge County Free fair every year to raise additional money. A proposal was submitted to the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) for the Stagecoach Trail and the proposal is listed on their 1999 LCMR PROPOSALS RECEIVED web site. This does not necessarily mean we are going to get the money, but it does show that we are making progress towards funding, as we are on the waiting list for money appropriated for State Parks, and Recreation Areas and Trails. http://www.commissions.leg.state.mn.us/lcmr/99namela.html#S S08 Phase One Regional Three County State Stagecoach Trail Dodge County Trails Association $805,000.00 Steve Schroeder Strategy: State Parks, Recreation Areas and Trails
Donations Some companies have a donation match program. If you donate money to a non-profit organization they will match that amount. Please take advantage of that program if you wish to donate some money to the Dodge County Trails Association. We will be happy to send you a receipt so you can write it off on your taxes. Money donated will go towards, signs along the trails and at the trail head, trail maps and brochures and distribution boxes, painting lines and symbols on the trail, landscaping and benches at rest stops, other improvements and maintenance. See our fund raising letter.
Meeting Schedule Meetings are held the last Thursday of every month in the lower level meeting room in the Dodge County courthouse in Mantorville, Minnesota at 12:00 noon. Bring your own lunch. Meetings are informal and similar to round table discussions and brainstorming sessions. Please bring your ideas. The only bad idea is one you keep to yourself. For more information and to lend additional support, please come to the meetings. If you are Interested in joining the Dodge County Trails Association. Qualifications include a desire to be a part of a winning team with responsibilities that will include attending regularly scheduled committee meetings. Ability to participate in sharing ideas, problem solving skills, and marketing ideas is highly desirable. Our compensation is realizing that we are part of making the Dodge County Trails Association a success. Our reality is contributing to our community with the end result being a beautiful Countywide trails system to enjoy.
T-shirts and Hats may also be ordered.Send your Name, Address and Phone Number to: Dodge County Trails Association, PO Box 421, Mantorville, MN 55955-0421. T-shirts have a large logo like the one on our projects page and brochure. The design is silk screened on the back and a map of Dodge County is silk screened on the upper front left corner.Adult $13 each, Colors: White, Gray or Natural Sizes: Med., Lg., XL, or XXL Child $10 each, Colors: White or Gray Sizes: 10-12 Hats Hats are $5: teal green in color with Dodge County Trails silk-screened on the front. Please add $2 for shipping and handling to all orders.
Meeting Schedule Meetings are held the last Thursday of every month in the lower level meeting room in the Dodge County courthouse in Mantorville, Minnesota at 12:00 noon. Bring your own lunch. Meetings are informal and similar to round table discussions and brainstorming sessions. Please bring your ideas. The only bad idea is one you keep to yourself. For more information and to lend additional support, please come to the meetings.
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last updated 01/03/2000 by Dave Dripps dripps@kmtel.com |