Wassup? This is your old buddy George's Homepage.

          Ok, if you couldn't tell already, I still haven't gotten around to fixing up this Home page yet. But that's alright, I'm sure you will survie. Anyways, THIS homepage was NOT created for mature audiences. If there is not an inner child in you somewhere strugling to get out, you’re reading the wrong web page!! Shut off the computer, watch the news, read the bussiness section of the newspaper, go to bed, or pay your bills ...

bored man doing papers

or something else. BUT, if the inner child in you is ready for some straight out childish stories and embarassing pictures, or just straight out stupid stories...
catapulting a knight

Two dumb knights

continue reading the entries of this 4 1/2 year old’s web page.

          I warn you again this page contains silly, childish, and strange stories and pictures. If you have no sense of humor turn around now!! While you still can…before it’s too late!

          If you are SOMEWHAT childish go to the semi-mature page of Coolchistes. The link is on the left.

          Are you still reading this? Are you sure that you're a child at heart? Ok, here you go, remember you asked for this. Access the buttons on the top left. The themes of the pages are listed there for easy access.

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