The Doll Chamber Doll Appraisals

Doll Appraisals are very important to have for insurance purposes or to know the value of a doll that you are interested in selling.  Be advised that an appraised value is to be used as a "guide" if you are interested in selling one of your dolls, as most dealers will not pay full value.  The appraised value is the book value and is suitable to be used for insurance purposes. Cost of a doll appraisal is $9.00 per doll or 2 appraisals for $18.00.  The new porcelain (and sometimes vinyl dolls) from Ashton Drake, Bradford Exchange, etc. are almost impossible to appraise. Most have no track records yet so I do not appraise those type dolls.

In order to appraise, I will need a clear photograph, complete description (including size) and condition of the doll.  Since I will have no "hands on" experience in evaluating your doll, I will be relying on your eyes and your words. Appraisals are generally completed within two weeks, depending on how many dolls you are requesting appraisals for.  I will also include some preservation tips with your appraisal.

I have been collecting dolls all my life and have been an appraiser of dolls for 29 years.  I currently author an identification column in Doll Castle News.  This magazine has been in publication since 1961.  If you are interested in subscribing, click on the link to visit the Doll Castle site. I also sell dolls and other collectibles on eBay. Click on the eBay link to view my auctions.

For doll cleaning products, visit

Email me for further information.

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Doll Castle News Magazine


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Cheryl Stanek

Email: This Doll Ring site is owned by
Cheryl Stanek.
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