Neil Christopher Stewart's Family History
The Smith Family is from Warren, Ohio. Other surnames in this line are: Wolcott, Kibbee, Johnson.
The Beghold Family is from Benzonia, Michigan. Other surnames in this line are: Marshall, Kiefer.
The Durain Family is from Northern Kentucky. Other surnames in this line are: Leinhardt.
The Browning Family is from Northern Kentucky. Other surnames in this line are: Appel.
Tracy Lynn (Hardin) Stewart's Family History
The Hardin Family is from Richmond (Madison County), Kentucky. Other surnames in this line are: Jones, Morris (Cherokee?), Adams, Denny, Johnson.
The Hale Family is from Richmond (Madison County), Kentucky. Other surnames in this line are: Young.
The White Family may come from Northern Kentucky.
The Howard Family is from Somerset (Pulaski County), Kentucky. Other surnames in this line are: Munday, Mills, Poynter.
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