Robynne's Nest - temporary site
Welcome to my temporary home on the web! 
This will serve as my home page until I can get our regular page up and running.  Check back for updates and links to the new page soon.

Hi!  I'm Robynne, 37 year old stay-at-home mom to 4 wonderful kids.  I have an 8 year old girl, a 5 year old girl, a 1 1/2 year old boy, and a brand new baby girl, born in April '07.  You can check out some pics in the links to the left!

My husband and I married in 2004, and have had the opportunity to take 3 great vacations in the past 3 years.  We took the family to Colorado in the summer of 2004, then had our honeymoon vacation in Hawaii in the fall of 2004, and in the summer of 2006 we took another family vacation, this time to Arizona.  Check out the links to the left for more info and pictures of these trips!

If you want to keep up with my life, check out my blog link also.  I recently rediscovered it, so there should be more frequent updates on it starting in spring 2007.
Grand Canyon
July/August 2006
Robynne's Blog - click here to read what's happening in the life of this SAHM
Emily's Page
Allison's Page
Ryan's Page
Amanda's Page